
Stalking: When the Fantasies and Ideals around Idealized Relationships Fall Away
After dealing with a stalker for some time and going through all the ups and downs coping and rationalization required to survive, becomes apparent with stalking numerous things are happening

Anti-Stalking Laws in the South and What they Mean for you.
For anyone dealing with a stalker, the obstacle course to navigate is the legal system. Thanks to some very famous people who had serious stalkers back in the 1990s all

How Stalking is Defined and Remedied with the Legal System
Anyone who has survived a stalker knows only too well how to pick themselves up, dust themselves off and keep moving forward… again and again. What is not so clear

Home Surveillance: Easy to Use Systems for Home Security
One of the best things you can do for your your safety, and to document any stalker issues, is get a surveillance system for your home. Home Security vs. Home

Stalking and Negativity the Bond in Obsessive Relationships
The Beginnings of Obsessive Relationships: Gossip and Complaining One of the harder realities I have had to face in life is that some people form obsessive relationships, foster those obsessive

The Blurred Lines Between Bullying and Stalking Behavior
Is there Really a Difference Between Bullying and Stalking? Yes there is… And no there isn’t… not really anyway… Not all bullies are stalkers but all stalkers are bullies. With

Stalking and the Burden of Proof: What you Really Need to Make a Legal Case
Make Your Case: An Emphasis on both Burden and Proof For anyone who’s had to go through this, it may seem familiar. This is one of those circumstances which is

Stalking by Proxy… Not so Random Happenings – Part 1
It’s Still Stalking if You Get Your Friends to Do It Stalking by Proxy or via a 3rd party has been around as long as stalking has. This phenomenon has

Gossip and Stalking – Part 3 – Emotional Warfare
Going through the paces of life and having to endure, survive and ultimately extract a stalker from your life is grueling to say the least. This part is what I

3 Devices that Can be Hacked to Cyber Stalk You
The Context of Technological Vulnerabilities Exploited for Cyber Stalking A few things about technology vulnerabilities before I go through the particulars of the more unusual types of devices that can

Stalking: How to Handle Crazy Making Like a Jedi Master
Seriously, did you expect a picture of Yoda? You have to know by now if you have read even a few of these articles… one key to surviving a stalker

Stalking, Burglary and Other Crimes; Not Your Average Sunday Afternoon
Enduring life with a stalker in your orbit can be unpredictable. Even stalkers tend to fall into complacency, routine and predictability in the harassment, bullying, break-ins and crimes they commit