
Stalking and Escalation: When the Little Things Get Big
Background & Foreground: How We Relate to Our Environment I have really only come across a few different types of people when it comes to relating to a physical environment.

Cyber Stalking with Home Appliances: How Your Toaster Can Spy on You
The Comfort and Convenience of Technology Driven Appliances As a preface to how appliances can actually be compromised and use as a cyberstalking tool so few things you need to

Stalking: The Tyranny of One Sided Learning – Part 2
Learning at the Expense of Others With the stalker we have, learning has been a main focus of the actual stalking events and the evolution of stalking and methods used

Stalking: Abuse and Secrets & The Abuse of Secrets
Secrets, We all have them so what is a Secret Anyway? This is what was found on www.dictionary.com adjective 1. done, made, or conducted without the knowledge of others: secret

Stalking: The Privilege of Being the Target
Aside from the obvious creep factor of having a stalker and being a smidge of an investigator I wanted to take a peek under the proverbial hood of the human

Stalking: The Thrill of Getting Away with It
We all know the feeling, the rush of the last minute escape or getting away with something… It could be as obvious as a surviving your first bungee jump, successfully

Symptoms of a Hacked Home Network and What to Do About It
Just like hacking a computer or cloning a cell phone your home network can be hacked and lurkers can be there when they want watching and even intercepting activity as

Stalking and Belief: Why Friends and Family Don’t Understand
Stalking and What People Don’t Believe: The Unexpected Like any unexpected event in life such as a car wreck, boating accident, house fire, pregnancy, and getting struck by lightning, no

Stalking and the Tyranny of One Sided Learning – Part 1
One of the by products of surviving a stalker are the unique insights that come about as you piece your life back together. Some of the more salient insights pertain

Need a Reason to get Pissed off? Let’s Talk About Urine
Before we talk about urine we need to talk a little bit about people, playing nice with others and playground politics. As we continue to see everywhere, how people work

Stalking and Familiarity: No They are Not Family
Stalkers do what they do to whom they choose for so many reasons. Nearly all of them I am assuming will remain hidden. Stalking behavior seems to be trying to

Google Tools to Verify Unauthorized Access to your Smartphone
In case this is just not creepy enough just know that yes, its completely possible to walk around for months and not know someone is creepin’ on you through your